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GPS - God's Protection Service

Jackie Schnedler

I love the navigation app that I have on my phone. It has become a regular voice for me as I drive, especially if it is my first time driving there. Even if I know where I’m going I still use it to see if there might be a faster route to my destination.

Saturday as I was leaving work, I entered a destination in my phone. I’ve been there before, but not from work so I thought there might be a better route. From my work there are three roads that run parallel to each other that are very close together. So when my GPS navigator told me to go a direction I thought was wrong, it had to reroute me and said my journey would take a little longer. I kept making my own calls on the turns until I added 10 minutes to my drive time, because I thought my way was better.

As I was driving down the back road to get to the highway to take me to my destination, I heard that still small voice ask “why do you put so much trust in those directions?” So I started pondering the GPS.

The first difference is that God is the one who enters the destination. I admit this is hardest for me. I have a strong desire for control. I want to know where I’m going. I trust the GPS on my phone because I told it where I want to go. God rarely gives me the big picture map, instead I get the up close view that just shows me the one step in front of me. He just wants me to trust Him, He knows my big picture destination and every stop along the way.

I expect to know final destination before I start. God called me to live a life of faith. Faith requires trusting in something I can not see. I have to trust where God is directing me. God did not tell Abraham where he was going, just that he was to leave the land and go where God would lead him. If he did God would bless him, and those he came in contact with and curse those who cursed him.

Just like the GPS gives me instructions, God gives me instructions. However, just like I can choose to listen to the navigator, I have to choose to listen to God. When I do, He gives me the quickest route to my next turn. It doesn’t mean I don’t go through obstacles, but He has a purpose in everything I go through when I am obedient to Him. When I don’t listen, not only does it take me longer, I usually end up going through the obstacle with purpose several times because I didn’t.

He will not push me where He wants me to go, although sometimes some of those obstacles do make me feel like He is. I know some are of my own design, especially the U-turns and dead ends, because I didn’t listen. Others are there by Him to encourage me to take the route He desires for my life.

He will not pull me where He wants me to go. I realized that sometimes I wish He would. I am willing, but I just want that clear “you go right here, you do this” instruction. I want Him to grab my hand and pull me to the right place.

When I do go the wrong way, He does try to reroute me back to the path I should be on. He gives me to quickest way to turn around. He also continues to give me instruction as I journey farther along the path, often taking me back the way I came.

I have to believe that God wants the best for me in my life. I have to trust that He wants me on the best path for my life. I have to learn to listen to His voice over what I think is better. I need to learn that obedience to His voice will save me time and save unnecessary heartache. God has His own GPS, it is “God’s Protection Service”. I can coast in His protection if I trust, listen and obey.

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Restoring Strong, LLC

428 Courthouse Road

Los Lunas, NM  87031

 Phone: 505-916-1622

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